Outfit Set

Outfit Set


Outfit set for Freyja

【 Sample of wearing outfit 】
Outfit set for Freyja
SizeDDS (S/M/L Bust Only), DD (S/M/L Bust Only)
IncludesCape, Blouse, Belt, Overskirt, Underskirt, Leg Covers, Short Boots, Bag
ModelDDS Freyja Wion (M Bust)
Price12,800 JPY (without tax)
Release Date ■Available at : “Dolls Party 36” on Sunday, December 18th 2016.
■Available at : “Dolls Party 36 After Event” on Saturday, January 21st, 2017.

* Note: The date and the items available may vary depending on the store.
  Please check the details of the event at the VOLKS Official Site or VOLKS stores.

  • * Doll, Wig, and Hair Clip are not included.
  • * The item pictured is a sample under supervision by licensers.
    Please understand the items included may change and the actual product may vary.
  • * The listed “DDS (S/M/L Bust) and DD (S/M/L Bust) are suitable for both regular DDS, DD, and each one-piece torso.
  • * The listed “DDS (L Bust)” and “DD (L Bust)” are suitable for both “L Bust” and “L Shapely Bust”.

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